Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Holy Spirit--Our Helper and more...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Broken by God’s Kindness…
Meditations on 2 Sam 7:18-29
David sat before the Lord, broken, awed, silent and overwhelmed until he could hold his joy in God and happy tears back no more… “Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and said, "Who am I, O Lord GOD, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far? And yet this was a small thing in your eyes, O Lord GOD. You have spoken also of your servant's house for a great while to come, and this is instruction for mankind, O Lord GOD! And what more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Lord GOD! Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have brought about all this greatness, to make your servant know it.” (7:18-21)
The Lord, through Nathan the prophet, had just revealed to King David these words… “1) I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, that you should be prince over my people
Seven great promises God had made to David that filled him to overflowing with joyful gratitude and awe-struck amazement. Yes Lord, YOU have (will)…
1. Made me prince over Your people
As David pondered the greatness and the extent of these seven promises, he could hold it no longer. He burst out in praise, adoration, and spiritual worship to his awe-inspiring God by joyfully ascribing the following…
“Therefore you are great, O LORD God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears. And who is like your people Israel, the one nation on earth whom God went to redeem to be his people, making Himself a name and doing for them great and awesome things by driving out before your people, whom you redeemed for yourself from Egypt, a nation and its gods? And you established for yourself your people
In effect, David says, “These seven promises that You have given me, LORD, You did and will do for the praise of Your great name…to magnify Your glory…to make a people for Your possession and Your joy.” Often we think of our salvation primarily and solely in terms of what we have received—what it means for us personally. Yet, David here encourages (challenges) us to see God’s saving grace not in terms of what it means to us, but what it means to our glorious Triune God. Yesterday (Friday), I shared with the men the five-fold basis for having personal assurance of salvation. The foundation of experiencing personal assurance of your salvation is…
1. God’s Purpose…to redeem a bride for Himself, for His own joy and glory (Eph. 5:25-27)
2. God’s Gospel…to magnify Jesus Christ and the completeness of His salvation, which He accomplished for His pleasure and the satisfaction of all who taste, treasure and trust Him (Jn. 17:1-5; 1 Cor. 15:1-5; Eph. 1:3-14)
3. God’s Promises…to save forever, for Himself and for the eternal joy of those whom He saves (1 Jn. 5:11-13; John 5:24, 20:31, 17:24)
4. God’s Presence…to eternally live in and amongst a people who love Him with all their hearts and love each other AS they love themselves (Rom. 8:16; Gal. 4:6-7; Jn. 14:18-21)
5. God’s Power…to make dead sinners alive in Christ and transform their lives from God-haters to God-lovers AND people-lovers (Eph. 2:1-10; 2 Peter 1:2-11; 1 Jn. 4:7-12)
David, finishes his time of ‘sitting before the LORD’ by boldly, confidently and expectantly asking the LORD to do, to accomplish, to fulfill His promises for His glory and David’s happiness. “And now, O LORD God, confirm forever the word that You have spoken concerning Your servant and concerning his house, and do as You have spoken. And Your name will be magnified forever, saying, 'The LORD of hosts is God over
David’s finishing words to the LORD are filled with the word “You.” You are this…, You have promised that…, You will accomplish these things!” Often spiritual praying, bold praying, God-pleasing praying is filled with the word “YOU” not “me.” It is focused on the Lord’s purposes, the Lord’s promises, the Lord’s presence, and the Lord’s power not on self or our situation.
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Gospel...
Friday morning: Yesterday in class we talked about the Salvation Equation: Gospel + Saving Faith = Salvation (Rom. 1:16, Eph. 1:13, 1 Cor. 15:1-2).
We defined the Gospel from 1 Cor. 15:3-5 and described Saving Faith from Heb. 11:1,6; Rom. 4:3-5, 19-21.
We then spent a great deal of time discussing and mining the truths behind the statement: Almighty God saves sinners BY grace alone THROUGH faith alone IN Christ alone, but that the faith that saves is NEVER alone, but will (& must) give evidence of itself through the treasuring and trusting of Jesus Christ.
We unpacked the concepts of grace, faith, Jesus’ identity, work and accomplishment and the relationship between justification and sanctification.
We also connected the above salvation equation (which is looking at salvation from a human perspective) with the previous list of God’s great works in saving sinners (salvation from God’s perspective)…
1. Divine Election,
2. The Gospel Call, in which the Gospel message is heard (often many times),
3. Divine Call to salvation, in which God draws dead, rebellious sinners to Himself,
4. Conviction of sin by the Spirit that makes sinners feel uncomfortable with their sin,
5. Regeneration by the Spirit, which enables dead sinners to truly repent of sin and taste, treasure and trust Jesus Christ alone,
6. Conversion by which a sinner repents of sin tastes, treasures and trusts Christ alone to save him/her,
7. Justification…God’s instantaneous declaration that the believing sinner is righteous in His sight because Jesus’ righteousness is credited to him/her,
8. Sanctification…God’s identifying of the believing sinner into Jesus’ death and resurrection so he/she is truly changed (old becomes new) and in which Christ through the Spirit permanently indwells the believing sinner and enables him/her to live by faith,
9. Physical death and the gracious refining judgment seat of Christ that removes everything of the flesh and rewards all that was done in the Spirit,
10. Glorification of our bodies (& of all our being) to be fit for an eternity in the presence of our glorious God.
It was way cool how the men were really intent on understanding and being impacted by the weight of truth that we were considering today. The GOSPEL truly is God’s way to save sinners and produce in them a treasuring of Christ that is supernatural (not natural to mankind).
Today, (Friday) we will continue this discussion and show how everything fits into the salvation equation, show what Biblical assurance of salvation is based on, and discuss the differences (pros/cons) of the Reformed and Arminian perspectives concerning salvation. I am really looking forward to this afternoon.
Thursday evening: I have thought several times lately how perceptions of people and circumstances are sometimes very close to reality; while at other times couldn’t be further from the truth. For example, tonight on my way back to the hotel, David (one of the leaders here) took me back to the hotel on his motorcycle a different way than normal. We went on a road that was like a highway—which meant we went very fast. This was really good because the mosquitoes were thicker than day old oatmeal tonight. I kept thinking as I was trying to hold on to the motorcycle as we dodged cars, trucks, bikes, cows, and some kids AND trying to swat those pesky blood-sucking, potentially malaria-carrying demons, “I wonder where we are now?” When we finally turned onto the main highway where the hotel is, I was totally shocked and surprised. I thought we were way north of the hotel. Instead we were still south of it. My confidence in my ability to keep a sense of direction was flushed.
I wonder how often this is true in my life. I think that certain person is a certain way or that some circumstance has a certain meaning, sometimes to find out that I was correct but other times find out that my perception was way off course. As I was riding home tonight, I just looked at the thousands of people that streamed past my view. I couldn’t help thinking, “I wonder what life for him or her or that little one is like?” As I looked at their stone-cold looks, it seemed that life just is. One of my questions that I like to ask people is, “How is your heart?... How are things going?” Often the answer has been, “What do you mean?” After a few follow-up questions, the answer has usually been something like “The way it always is—dummy, what did you expect?” It seems that people would be searching, seeking, and desiring something else in life. Yet often that is not the case. Satan deceives most with his shroud of just being alive rather than living.
My heart aches for these tens and hundreds of thousands of people—who are living in absolute darkness. Often the electricity goes out in the whole city and everything goes black at night, except for candles and those few who can afford generators. That seems to be the best word picture for Jesus’ presence here…mostly darkness, real darkness that is broken here and there by some candle lights. Jesus’ words… “Let your light shine” seems appropriate. “Jesus, shine Your light in this place, in the lives of these people—remove Satan’s shroud of just being, of loving the darkness or at least their being content to be in the darkness so that they will seek YOU, the source of true actual living. Lord, chase away all the darkness—the self-absorbed, self-concern that keeps YOU hidden from so many.”
Life is short…I am reminded of that reality by the many new dirt grave sites on several of the cemeteries that I ride by every day. People are born and die! People die to enter either eternal joy in Jesus’ presence or into eternal, just, unthinkable agony, fearful loneliness, excruciating pain and horrifying remorse that never ends…Never ends but continues for all time and all eternity. Lord, I can’t hold that thought for long. It is too dark…too hard…too awe-ful…too true! Jesus keep breaking my heart for those who don’t know YOU so that the powerful Gospel of GRACE and TRUE LIFE may flow freely from my lips…my heart to any and all around me. Break through my lack of courage and my self-concern that silences and extinguishes Your fire of love in my heart.
Today, I asked one of the students to share his story. He shared how he came to faith in Christ, and how Jesus has changed his life and now has called him to make disciples and plant churches. He is a very bright, personable and humble man. I sense a genuine delighting in and intense desire for Christ in his heart. Several of these men who are married will go nine months without seeing their wife and children. UGH! That is a long time. My perception of these men is hope-filled as I taste their devotion and commitment and am privileged to feel their passion for God’s power to mightily work in and through them. Jesus by the power of Your Spirit, continue to touch their lives with a heaven-sent, God-centered passion to treasure YOU before and above all other pursuits so that Your glory will be spread throughout this area with the true knowing and tasting of the sweetness of Your name. Lord, may my perception of these men and what You are doing in them be true and real and eternally satisfying before You and life-changing for thousands in this area.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Training Continues
Josh and I have found the men at our second location a joy to serve.
Yesterday, the Lord led me to supplement my teaching on His attributes with Biblical instruction on parenting, disciplining, marriage, ways to teach grace/mercy, three passions in life and the book of Jonah. I really enjoy experiencing the Spirit’s directing of my mind to some practical teaching for life as we are talking through these important Biblical themes. I am exhorted and reminded and often am humbled and led to repentance in my own heart as the Spirit leads our discussion through these different areas of our lives.
Our translator here translates differently than most we have had so far. He translates ideas, not words. Thus, he wants us to give several sentences at once and then he speaks the idea to the men, not our actual statements. There are positives and negatives to this approach. Josh and I are adjusting to his style.
I have been thankful for those of you who have been reminded of the Lord to pray for Josh and I as we serve here. We have both been healthy and excited for being here and humbled by the opportunity of impacting generations of people who not yet even believers in Christ. It is an awesome reality!
I have not met any of the men from last year. I am saddened by this, but totally understand. Last year’s class was a very strong class (spiritually and in maturity) that the leadership here has sent these men in pairs to some of the most difficult and remote areas of this state. I often think about how life is for them—basic, hard, and I am sure often tempting to give up as they plow, water and plant the seed of the GOSPEL in people’s lives in these hard places. I have not heard of any direct persecution, though a team of leaders here are going to visit four of the men who are in the hardest place to pray and to encourage and to do outreaches in their fields. Pray for them!
Again, thank you for praying for God’s work here. May the LORD Jesus be your joy today as you walk with Him by His grace in the strength of His Spirit for His glory and your happiness.
I Marriage Engagement
I wrote the following on Monday evening (the web has been down for a while): As I sit here writing. Josh and I safely arrived at our second destination Sunday evening. We were warmly greeted by three friends I had made last year. What a great time we had in getting caught up with each other and just sharing laughs, encouragements and genuine love for one another. We were taken to our hotel. We had supper (the flight we took this time did not serve us a meal) at the hotel. It was great seeing all of the same servers at the restaurant. I remembered most of them by name. I am praying for them that the Lord will open a chance to share more of the Gospel with them…picking up where we left off last year.
We left early this morning, took ½ hours to reach the place where the training is taking place and met with the students. What a joy to meet each of these men, who are committing themselves to such a great task. I taught for about 1 ½ hours and then went with three of the leaders (Josh taught the rest of the morning and in the afternoon) to witness one of the pastor’s engagement. The customs here are MUCH different than our own, many of which I like very much. It was an all day event between the two families and all their friends and relatives—and this was just the engagement. Family is very important here—as it should be.
When we arrived we waited with the groom-to-be (pastor friend) for about an hour. Then we had a foot washing and hand cleaning time. We then had our first of two meals together. It was very basic and very authentic. The Lord will watch over my body, one way or another. We then waited around for another hour. Then the bride-to-be came out of the house with her two best friends and stood facing my pastor friend and his two best friends. They did some different cultural things then an older pastor came and exhorted the couple in the native tongue. It was special. Then my pastor friend and the woman exchanged gifts—this brought tears streaming down my face as I sense the excitement in this couple. Their contacts up to this point have been very few—and nothing too personal… so it was like this was the first time they were able to be face to face in this way. It reminded me of what it will be like when I am before Jesus Christ some day—His face beaming towards me as my pastor’s friend was beaming towards this woman and her shy, yet excited happy look will be like ours as Christ’s bride. What a day that will be.
After this, the entire groom’s family and guests gave the bride-to-be a gift—now no one told me this. Thankfully, David one of my friends who I rode with on the back of his motorcycle for a 45 minute hair-raising, watch-out video game rides to get there, had brought an extra soirĂ©e for me to give to here. It was beautiful. He told me that since I was an older man that I should put the soiree around her head and not just her neck as all the younger men before I was doing. So I did as I was told. It was neat to stand up before this couple to be, and place around this young woman’s head this beautiful soiree. She smiled back at me as I placed it on her and shook my hand. I grinned about my pastor friend. What a great couple these two will make—both committed to Jesus Christ and the planting of church-planting churches.
We then waited again for another hour or so and then had another hand cleansing time and at our second meal. Did I tell you that another one of my friends had bought be a ‘store’ meal to eat also, thinking I would not eat during the day, which I at some of it during our last ‘break.’ So here I was eating my fourth meal, including breakfast. All of the older men—I was put into that group—that made me feel very ‘special’. I think they saw my graying hair and decided to put me with the older men who actually got to sit on a chair, rather than on the dirt floor to eat this second meal. Age does have its privileges—I can’t wait til I get me US discount ‘elders’ card! Anyway, here I am eating with the old men, watching the dogs viciously fight for our crumbs, smelling the smoldering fire near-by, wondering what was going in my mouth—you get the picture. It was just one of those memories.
After finishing eating, we started to leave (we arrived about 10:30 am and now it was about 5 pm), my pastor friend again showed up—where he had gone, I do not know. Anyway, I was able to congratulate him and his new bride-to-be Christina. And then we took off for another great motorcycle ride through bugs, dodging everything on two or four legs, not to mention all the different kinds of vehicles as a speed that would do more than just take off your top layer of skin if you happened to hit any number of objects in the road. The sun was setting. As it set in the west, I thought that in about 15 more minutes that same sun would be rising for Pam and my family and all of you back home…on your day that I was saying good-bye to. I asked Jesus to bless Pam and Heather and Micah and Alicia and Dano! I do hope you all have a great morning and afternoon as I get ready for bed.
When I arrived at the hotel, Josh was just getting ready to go eat—so guess what I did for the fifth time today—eat. We had a great time sharing our stories of our day. He had a great first day teaching the men. He is looking forward to a ‘down’ day tomorrow. I will go alone tomorrow and teach all day, since I played hooky today. I am looking forward to it as I get ready for bed. My 1 ½ hours this morning wetted my passion to equip, encourage, serve and lay before this men the greatness and glory of our God, who rules in all of His creation, in all aspects and in all ways, not withstanding anything! He is the God, who through His Son Jesus Christ has changed my heart and given me confidence in His power to change anyone’s life.
Friday, October 19, 2007
God's Man Exalts in God's Glory
May the spirit of courageous faith in God's glory ignite a flame of covenant love for one another (even as Jonathan's heart was knit to Davids) AND a fire of compassion to go to people in Jesus' name, inviting them to taste Him and know that He is good.
I am praying the Spirit of Christ will anoint your hearts together in the fellowship of the Tri-unity of Almighty God.
1 Sam 17:45-18:5
45 Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, 47 and that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hand."
48 When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. 49 And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground. 50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. 51 Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.
52 And the men of Israel and Judah rose with a shout and pursued the Philistines as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron, so that the wounded Philistines fell on the way from Shaaraim as far as Gath and Ekron. 53 And the people of Israel came back from chasing the Philistines, and they plundered their camp. 54 And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem, but he put his armor in his tent.
55 As soon as Saul saw David go out against the Philistine, he said to Abner, the commander of the army, "Abner, whose son is this youth?" And Abner said, "As your soul lives, O king, I do not know." 56 And the king said, "Inquire whose son the boy is." 57 And as soon as David returned from the striking down of the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand. 58 And Saul said to him, "Whose son are you, young man?" And David answered, "I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite."
1 As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. 2 And Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father's house. 3 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. 4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt. ESV
Final Examination--How Would You Do?
Doctrinal Key Verses
1. Bibliology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
2. Theology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
3. Christology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
4. Pneumatology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
5. Anthropology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
6. Soteriology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
7. Sanctification (Reference): _______________: _________________________
8. Ecclesiology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
9. Angiology/Satan (Reference): _______________: _________________________
10. Eschatology (Reference): _______________: _________________________
Systematic Theology
13. What does doctrine mean?
14 What are the three levels of belief?
15. Give 2 of the 4 Natural Arguments for God’s Existence.
16. Give 3 of the 5 Statements of God’s Nature.
17. Give 6 of the 8 Incommunicable Attributes of God.
18. Give 5 of the 7 Incommunicable Attributes of God.
19 What are the three Hebrew (OT) names for God?
20. Define & Give illustration of the Trinity.
Pneumatology (Holy Spirit)
21. Why do we believe the Holy Spirit is a Person?
22. Why do we believe the Holy Spirit is fully God?
23. Give 3 ways the Holy Spirit worked in the OT?
24. Give 5 ministries of the Spirit in salvation & references.
25. Give reference for fruit of Spirit and list the fruit.
Soteriology (Salvation)
26. Give Salvation Equation with 3 verses that support it.
27. What is the Gospel (give reference also)?
28. What is Faith (give 2 of 3 references also?
29. Give 10 Temporal Stages of salvation.
30. Match the following terms with definition.
A. Substitution _____ Jesus paid the price that our sins deserved so we could be forgiven
B. Redemption _____ Jesus satisfied God’s wrath towards our sins so we are not condemned
C. Reconciliation _____ Jesus died for our sins in our place so we don’t have to pay for our sins
D. Propitiation _____ Jesus died to change sinners’ alienation (hostility) to God so now friends
31 What fourthings is Assurance of Salvation is based on.
1. God’s ______________: Reference: _______________
2. God’s ______________: Reference: _______________
3. God’s ______________: Reference: _______________
4. God’s ______________: Reference: _______________
32. State the five points of Calvinism & Arminianism.
33. True or False: Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone AND the faith that
truly saves sinners is NEVER alone but always produces good works (obedience to Christ).
34. True or False: If a person is a true Christian but does not walk with God, God will discipline that person
so he repents or God will discipline that person so he physically dies but is still saved.
35. What is Spirit baptism (give reference) & when does it occur?
36. Give 6 Ministries of Spirit in Christian (give references).
37. What passage speaks of 3 kinds of people & what are they?
38. Filled with the Spirit: What is it and what passage teaches it? How does it occur? List the six results?
39. What passage tells Christians to walk in the Spirit?
40. What does Romans 6:1-14 tell us? Romans 7 tell us? Romans 8:1-4 tell us?
Ecclesiology (Church)
41. What is servant Leadership & where did Jesus model it?
42. What are 2 ordinances of the church (give references)?
43. When should a person be water baptized?
44. What are 3 purposes of the Lord Supper?
45. What 3 truths should Christians be taught about money (give referennces)?
46. True or False The Bible teaches that a woman can serve as a pastor or as an elder.
47. True or False The terms pastor, elder, bishop refer to the same person, but from different perspectives.
48. List 10 of the 20 Biblical qualifications for leadership.
49. Give 3 main ministries of the church (give references).
50. What are 3 main responsibilities of a pastor?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Bibles Purchased and ONE Given Away
Concerning the man that I mentioned in a previous blog, I missed him by about 1/2 hour tonight when I returned from ANURAG. He did come and one of the leaders did give him a NT. That is way cool! Jesus open this man's heart to see that You alone are God and only through You is LIFE found, both now and for eternity. Keep praying for this retired man, that before he "RETIRES" Jesus Christ will be revealed in his heart and he will repent of his sin and trust Christ to save him.
ANRAG--What a Blessing!!!




These are some of the pictures I took today at ANRAG. Being with Prem was again a great opportunity to see how the Lord is using an ordinary woman in an extra-ordinary way. There are hundreds of children and hundreds of youth being loved, served, taught and pointed to Jesus Christ 6 days a week. It is amazing! Thank You Jesus for Prem and the people serving at ANRAG. Thank you to each of you who are investing in eternity by praying and financially supporting this ministry.
ANRG--What a Blessing!!!



These are some of the pictures I took today at ANRAG. Being with Prem was again a great opportunity to see how the Lord is using someone ordinary in an extra-ordinary way. There are hundreds of children and hundreds of youth being loved, served, taught and pointed to Jesus Christ. It is amazing! Thank You Jesus for Prem and the people serving at ANRAG. Thank you to each of you who are investing in eternity by praying and financially supporting this ministry.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A Glorious Walk Tonight!
An older man (I found out later he was retired) was "relieving" himself along the side of the road and he finished just as I was walking by. I greeted him and he responded in English. We small talked for a bit and then he asked me what I do. I told him I am a Christian and I help other people come to personally know Jesus Christ. When I said that he got all excited. He asked me if I had read a book called the "Power of Positive Thinking" by Vincent Peal. I told him I heard of it, but hadn't read it.
He asked me about why I became a Christian. So I spent about 5 minutes explaining to him the Gospel through my personal story. When I was finished I asked him about his beliefs. He told me he was a H. but that he had many spiritual leaders, including Jesus Christ. I shared with Him John 14:6 and other Scriptures which show that Jesus is fully God and that His death and resurrection was the only way to know the one and true God.
Anyway to make a long story shorter, he asked me about the New Testament. I asked him if he had ever read it. He said, NO, but wanted to. So I took him to the CCC compound and went to find an English NT. None to be found. I couldn't believe it. I almost gave him my ESV Bible....Almost. But I found out that I can get a paper NT in the area tomorrow. So I went and got an English Gospel tract and gave it to him and told him that tomorrow at 6 pm I (or one of the men--since I may still be at ANARAG) would be here to give him a Bible. He agreed. We parted and he walked off down the street into the darkness (it gets dark around 6 pm.
What a glorious WALK. Thank YOU Jesus, for a wonderful gift to share with this man, who you know and love and I ask you to open His heart to YOU, that YOU are God's eternal Son, who died for sinners like me and rose again from the dead. Holy Spirit reveal Jesus Christ in a saving way this evening and bring him back tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
One of Monday's Lessons
Salvation Equation: Gospel + Faith = Salvation
1 Corinthians 15:1-2, Romans 1:16, Ephesians 1:13
What is the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
The gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ; who He is, what He did and what He accomplished. There are two parts to the Gospel…
1. Christ (the Messiah) died (what He did) for (in the place of) our sins (all of mankind are sinners) in accordance with the Scriptures (explains the meaning & significance of Jesus dying for our sins) that He was buried (proved that Jesus did in fact physically die).
2. He (same Messiah) was raised on the third day (what He did) in accordance with the Scriptures (explains the meaning & significance of Jesus physically rising again on the third day) and that He appeared (proved that Jesus did in fact physically rise again)…
What is faith? Hebrews 11:1, 6; Romans 4:20-21; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 20:21
Faith is the response of confidence towards, reliance upon, surrendered dependence to, sure hope in, joyous tasting of, complete trusting in Jesus Christ, His person, His death on the cross as full payment for your sins, His powerful resurrection that brings new life & His promise to give eternal life, His life to all who will trust solely in Him to save them.
Gospel + Faith + Doing good works = Salvation NOT SALVATION
Gospel + Faith + Being water baptized = Salvation NOT SALVATION
Gospel + Faith + Anything = Salvation NOT SALVATION
NOTE: If a person adds anything to the Gospel (let him be accursed-Gal. 1:8-9) or if anyone adds anything to faith (it is no longer on the basis of grace and is therefore not real faith (see Rom. 4:4-6, 16, 11:6) it is NO LONGER SALVATION.
Gospel + Faith = Salvation + Water baptism + Good works + Confessing your sins
NOTE: Water baptism, doing good works, confessing your sins are all examples of obedience to Christ once a person has by faith in Christ become a Christian.
NOTE: The faith that saves is never alone…once a person trusts Christ; their faith in Christ will produce good works. If a person professes to have trusted Christ as their Savior and yet does not walk with Jesus Christ, their profession is suspect—i.e. may not be real. Just because someone says they are a Christian, doesn’t mean they actually are a Christian (see Matthew 7:21-22).
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Refreshed from Christ-exalting Worship/Fellowship
I took this from the Lord that He wanted me to go. The man warmly greeted me at the top of the stairs and I followed him into a room that was nice. There were about 30 people--of several races and ages from infants to several who were in their 60 or 70's.
I sat down behind the man who had greeted me. They were singing songs of praise. Though I couldn't understand the words, the Lord began to minister to my heart through the spirit of the songs. The Spirit poured Jesus' love in me, as we transitioned into a testimony time. People went up and shared how the Lord Jesus has ministered to them recently.
A young mom, with tears, shared how the Lord has healed her new-born who was very sick and near death. The child was there (doing much better). A man from another people group came forward and shared a Scripture and a song, again both of which I could not understand, but the Lord melted my heart as he shared. Rev. 5 came to mind from the Spirit.
As the time was winding down, the man who had greeted me, turned to me and said that if the Lord was leading me to share, I could go up. Another person stood up and shared. Then the Lord said, 'Go now.' I knew that if I went up and shared, that tears of joy and overwhelming happiness in Jesus would flow, yet at the prompting of the Spirit, I went.
I had noticed that everyone started their sharing time, by saying, "Praise the Lord". So I started by saying, "Praise the Lord." As soon as I said those words, the Spirit filled my heart with overwhelming feelings of joy and awe towards Jesus and a deep sense of His presence. I then began to read Rev. 5:9-14..."And they sang a new song, saying, Worthy are you (Jesus) to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God (it was at this point that the tears flowed freely) from every tribe and language and people and nation, and You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God; and they shall reign on the earth..."
After I finished reading the rest of the passage, I sat down. A holy presence rested on us in the place. Jesus is glorious in all His ways--in saving people from every tribe and tongue. After a bit, one of the men stood up and then shared from God's Word about spiritual growth. Again, not being able to understand the language, the Lord spoke to me through His word and His Spirit.
At the end, we greeted one another. Though I was a complete stranger, the Lord connected our hearts together. Though I didn't speak their language and I am sure that I did some thing that were not culturally correct, Jesus met us and filled us with Himself.
The rest of the day was one of reading, studying, driving a scooter to a nearby market to have pictures of the students that we had taken printed, so we could give them to them (the scooter was a hooooooottttt!)
This evening, Josh and I had a great discussion about incarnational ministry and about how best to encourage families to evangelize and disciple their children. I shared with him how BCC is moving in the direction of church-wide equipping of all adults to be able to disciple others, including their children for those who have children. It was a great discussion. Josh is a blessed brother! I am blessed to be serving with him this week.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
'Pointing' A Taxi Driver to Jesus!


Josh and I decided to go for a walk to the nearby shopping 'mall' this morning (Sat. morning). It is about a mile or so walk. We walked a long way to get there. I was tired so we got a coke after walking around a bit.
As we started to walk back we decided to take a 3 wheel taxi back. So we went up to a bunch of taxi guys and asked if any spoke English. See picture of Josh in front of the taxis. One guy spoke some and so we asked how much it would cost to take us about 1-2 kilometers in a certain direction. I told him we could give verbal directions, but we didn't know the address of where we are staying...anyway...the short of a long story is that he said yes for 100 ruppies (about 2 dollars). We agreed (sounded like a cheap way to not irritate anything) so we got in.
It was a bumpy road. When we got to the CCC compound, I paid him the 100 ruppies and gave him a 10 ruppie tip (I had told him I was a Christian and we were staying at the 'church')...he looked at me and started to hand the 10 ruppies back to me. But I said, "No, for you a tip, thank you for taking us."
The look on his face when I told him to keep the tip was priceless. I really believe he was ashamed he had taken me--I found out from one of the students standing there at the CCC compound when we arrived that normally it would cost 25 ruppies. So he had already "taken" a 75 ruppies tip and then I added 10 ruppies more--I think it pricked his conscience.
I hope the Lord in some small way works my generous act into his life. Anyway it was a fruitful morning.
Becoming a Christian
One of the questions and issues that I have talked alot about this week and will do much more this next week is what the Bible says a person must do to become a Christian!
So let me ask you, "Does a person become a Christian by confessing their sins to God, choosing to follow Christ, giving their life to Christ, being water baptized or some other way?"
The answer is clear in Scripture—foundationally and primarily becoming a Christian is by another way, namely by being united with Jesus Christ. To be united with Jesus Christ sinners must repent of their sinfulness and sins and trust Jesus Christ alone to save them from God’s righteous judgment against their sins BECAUSE Jesus died for all their sins and rose again proving that His death did in fact pay for all their sins. Being united with Jesus Christ is an act of the Holy Spirit in the life of a sinner who repents of sin and trusts Jesus Christ.
Trusting Jesus Christ to save you, believing that He died for all your sins and rose again from the dead is what makes a person a Christian. To truly trust Christ to save you, you must repent, which means you must stop trusting in yourself and agree with God that you are a sinner who deserves God’s righteous judgment. Repenting turns your hope and trust away from yourself to Jesus Christ--so that you receive and embrace Jesus Christ. This is the way to become a Christian.
Once you become a Christian, God commands you to confess your sins that you daily commit to Him as you sin (1 John 1:7-10). Those who genuinely trust Christ to save them will also want to follow Christ, ‘give their lives to Christ’ and publicly confess their faith in Christ through water baptism. If a professing Christian doesn't want to follow Christ or submit to Him or be water baptized then his professed faith in Christ is suspect. These things are done by true believers in response to experiencing God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ.Cooking for over 200


The first picture is the kitchen. They are making soup that we all ate last night. The second picture is some of my new friends. This morning, I volunteered to make the greezy pop-ups. It was a lot of work. They must have made a couple thousand of them all by hand--from scratch--kneading and rolling them out and then cooking them hot oil. They taste good as long as you can get past the idea of how many fat grams there are in one of them.
Good Morning!


Living Accomodations




These are pictures of where we are staying these first 2 weeks--Nice but simple. The pictures are of our dining and living room, our kitchen and my bedroom. The outdoor picture is of some of the students here this weekend. We are thankful for our acomodations. Last night, I had to move all my stuff into Josh's room because there are 2 couples from Korea staying in my room. There is a youth conference at the CCC compound. 200 people!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Cricket Field

Typical field nearby

Impressive Towers
A Clean Glass
Finally this morning, I asked Josh if I could use one of his disinfecting, scrubbing towlets (he is a first-timer here) to clean my drinking cup. My cup had slowly (or not so slowly) become so cloudy, I could hardly see through it--though it began the week as a clear glass cup. When I finished cleaning the cup, I was afraid to use it--it was so clean. I think it felt like you do when you return from the dentist and have had your teeth cleaned--you don't want to eat for a week, because your teeth feel so clean and the thought of getting them dirty almost seems like a sin. Anyway, I think I might do the same to the plate that I have been using all week also. So, Pam, watch out when I return--you might not want me to do do the dishes anymore--like I do them that often!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Connected with Manoj...
Manoj, a fellow B. pastor, who I met last year, came to the CCC compound this afternoon. At first I didn't recognize him--this man got off of motorcycle--praised the Lord, hugged several men near me and then came up and praised the Lord before me. I introduced myself and asked him his name--but like usual, I was not able to catch his name. As he began to tell me how he was going to lead 10,000 peple to Christ and 1,000 families to a saving knowledge of God--all by God's power, I was impressed with this man's vision and passion. After talking for a while, he left, upon which I turned to Mithun and asked, "Don't I know that man?" Mithun chuckled and said "Yes" As soon as he said that, I said, "was that Manoj, the man I met and prayed with last year?" Mithun said yes. I felt terrible that I had not fully recognized Manoj. His appearance had changed quite a bit, but his voice and mannerisms were the same.
Anyway, to make a long story short--Manoj may not be doing well. His wife divorced him because he is a Christian and took his family away from him. He is lonely and is possibly having some mental issues. He is continuing to share Christ and seeking to plant a church in a very hard area. My heart goes out to him--"Lord be Manoj's Rock and steady place of rest and freedom. May Your glory fill his heart!"
Ravi later said that the pressures are great on these men as they seek to lead people to Christ and plant cell groups that will form into churches. The obsticles are many and the encouragement is small, and yet these men seek to plant the presence of Jesus in dark places all to the God's glory.
Our prayers are needed!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Joy in Being a Channel of God's glorious Grace in Christ
Josh and I have been privileged to serve 21 men. It has been a blessing to serve with Josh Luse (Pastor in Boulder, CO). He deeply loves Jesus, the men we are serving and fully committed to helping the men see God's glory in the material that he is presenting to them. It is neat to see the men are even more eager to learn and more open to the Lord than last year.
Today, we talked about the transcendent greatness of God as well as His imminent presence with us, both the exalted greatness of Jesus Christ as well as His incarnational closeness. It has been exciting to see the men grasp images God's glory in Christ, the supremacy of Christ in everything and the soveriegn power of God in all things.
Today I also began teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit. He (not it) is so awesome in His personhood as well as His ability to empower Christ followers to do God's will. Oh, to be led by Him completely!
I had a great conversation with Mithun. He serves as one of the translators that I met last year. He and his wife, Monica, are expecting next month. Monica works at CCC also! They are a great couple. Mithun and I had an awesome heart to heart talk about life and the Lord's leading. It was good to share our hearts with one another and then to share our hearts together with the Lord Jesus, seeking His grace for our lives.
Thank you for praying for Josh and I as well as the other four men serving in India.
May the Lord jesus Himself be your joy and strength today as you trust Him to empower you to testify of His love for you to those who yet don't know Him personally.
In His Grip,