Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Joy in Being a Channel of God's glorious Grace in Christ

It is Wed. night @ 9 pm. I am surprised I am still awake. I woke up this morning at 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep--time travel thing! I had a great morning fellowshiping with the Lord, listening to a couple of talks, finishing a book (yes I actually finished a book) and got ready all before 8:30 am breakfast.

Josh and I have been privileged to serve 21 men. It has been a blessing to serve with Josh Luse (Pastor in Boulder, CO). He deeply loves Jesus, the men we are serving and fully committed to helping the men see God's glory in the material that he is presenting to them. It is neat to see the men are even more eager to learn and more open to the Lord than last year.

Today, we talked about the transcendent greatness of God as well as His imminent presence with us, both the exalted greatness of Jesus Christ as well as His incarnational closeness. It has been exciting to see the men grasp images God's glory in Christ, the supremacy of Christ in everything and the soveriegn power of God in all things.

Today I also began teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit. He (not it) is so awesome in His personhood as well as His ability to empower Christ followers to do God's will. Oh, to be led by Him completely!

I had a great conversation with Mithun. He serves as one of the translators that I met last year. He and his wife, Monica, are expecting next month. Monica works at CCC also! They are a great couple. Mithun and I had an awesome heart to heart talk about life and the Lord's leading. It was good to share our hearts with one another and then to share our hearts together with the Lord Jesus, seeking His grace for our lives.

Thank you for praying for Josh and I as well as the other four men serving in India.
May the Lord jesus Himself be your joy and strength today as you trust Him to empower you to testify of His love for you to those who yet don't know Him personally.
In His Grip,


Danielle said...

I got up early this morning to go running, but I only got 3 miles into my run before my foot started hurting...I think I have tendonitis. I thought about you and your foot, so now every time my foot hurts, I pray for you. So I was praying for you at 8:00 this morning. I'm praying that God would give you the bodily strength and wholeness as well as the passion and excitement for him that you had when you first became a christian in college, but the wisdom that you have acquired since then. :) Love you!

Danielle said...

By the way, the previous post was from me, I signed on under the trial account I made for you. :)