Sunday, October 14, 2007

Refreshed from Christ-exalting Worship/Fellowship

It is 9:30 pm on Sunday as I write with my heart still encouraged and resting in Jesus' glorious presence. I walked to the nearest Christian church this morning. It was down the road. It was on the second floor of a home. I thought that several of the translators would be there. As I walked up to the building, I didn't see their scooters, so I thought maybe I wouldn't go in. But just as I was turning to go back to the CCC compound, a man stepped out of an opening on the second floor and surprised me by speaking in English and said, "come on up."

I took this from the Lord that He wanted me to go. The man warmly greeted me at the top of the stairs and I followed him into a room that was nice. There were about 30 people--of several races and ages from infants to several who were in their 60 or 70's.

I sat down behind the man who had greeted me. They were singing songs of praise. Though I couldn't understand the words, the Lord began to minister to my heart through the spirit of the songs. The Spirit poured Jesus' love in me, as we transitioned into a testimony time. People went up and shared how the Lord Jesus has ministered to them recently.

A young mom, with tears, shared how the Lord has healed her new-born who was very sick and near death. The child was there (doing much better). A man from another people group came forward and shared a Scripture and a song, again both of which I could not understand, but the Lord melted my heart as he shared. Rev. 5 came to mind from the Spirit.

As the time was winding down, the man who had greeted me, turned to me and said that if the Lord was leading me to share, I could go up. Another person stood up and shared. Then the Lord said, 'Go now.' I knew that if I went up and shared, that tears of joy and overwhelming happiness in Jesus would flow, yet at the prompting of the Spirit, I went.

I had noticed that everyone started their sharing time, by saying, "Praise the Lord". So I started by saying, "Praise the Lord." As soon as I said those words, the Spirit filled my heart with overwhelming feelings of joy and awe towards Jesus and a deep sense of His presence. I then began to read Rev. 5:9-14..."And they sang a new song, saying, Worthy are you (Jesus) to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God (it was at this point that the tears flowed freely) from every tribe and language and people and nation, and You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God; and they shall reign on the earth..."

After I finished reading the rest of the passage, I sat down. A holy presence rested on us in the place. Jesus is glorious in all His ways--in saving people from every tribe and tongue. After a bit, one of the men stood up and then shared from God's Word about spiritual growth. Again, not being able to understand the language, the Lord spoke to me through His word and His Spirit.

At the end, we greeted one another. Though I was a complete stranger, the Lord connected our hearts together. Though I didn't speak their language and I am sure that I did some thing that were not culturally correct, Jesus met us and filled us with Himself.

The rest of the day was one of reading, studying, driving a scooter to a nearby market to have pictures of the students that we had taken printed, so we could give them to them (the scooter was a hooooooottttt!)

This evening, Josh and I had a great discussion about incarnational ministry and about how best to encourage families to evangelize and disciple their children. I shared with him how BCC is moving in the direction of church-wide equipping of all adults to be able to disciple others, including their children for those who have children. It was a great discussion. Josh is a blessed brother! I am blessed to be serving with him this week.

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