Friday, October 12, 2007

A Clean Glass

Living here at the compound, where we get to 'warsh' (that is not a typo-it is simply the way people from NE say wash) our own dishes, I have had many wonderful memories of college/single life flood my mind. Men, remember the days when you did dishes without soap, but just simply rinsed out the cup and ran some water over the plate or bowl to get the big chunks off? Add to that dynamic using water that is--well lets just say, far from Evian quality-- and you get the picture. Anyway, that is what it has been like here this week.

Finally this morning, I asked Josh if I could use one of his disinfecting, scrubbing towlets (he is a first-timer here) to clean my drinking cup. My cup had slowly (or not so slowly) become so cloudy, I could hardly see through it--though it began the week as a clear glass cup. When I finished cleaning the cup, I was afraid to use it--it was so clean. I think it felt like you do when you return from the dentist and have had your teeth cleaned--you don't want to eat for a week, because your teeth feel so clean and the thought of getting them dirty almost seems like a sin. Anyway, I think I might do the same to the plate that I have been using all week also. So, Pam, watch out when I return--you might not want me to do do the dishes anymore--like I do them that often!

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